many cultures have a connotation of infinity, of power and prohibition. Draws attention to whatever is placed in its center. It is also one of the symbols used to refer to the air.
The sphere with a point at its center, is another ancient symbol used to refer to the Sun or similar concepts as the Golden to the alchemists or the hydrogen in the chemistry of the nineteenth century.
La Salamandra in turn, is the mythical figure of fire. There was a belief that these animals made their nests on the fire and reveled in it. The wikipedia says that this myth might start because certain species of salamanders hibernate in hollow trees and so chen they were placed to fire the salamanders made their sudden appearance of the flames. A fire burning under a salamander as the tattoo could refer to the purification of gold.
The Caduceus, two snakes coiled around a central axis is another classic figure of alchemy. Mercury is a metal and the Roman god. Do not forget that one of the names of alchemy was to the Art of Hermes (Hermes the Greek name for Mercury) and that the winged messenger of the gods is their mythical founder. The four spaces that form the bodies of snakes are also a number repetitive, think for example in the theory of the four elements or to ls tools.
COMPONENTS Just another recognizable tattoo of this container is the slim neck and spherical base being placed on fire.
Note that the image of the vessel appears in both directions. So here are the facts, but it must be remembered that alchemy was not merely a research discipline but aspired (and still today many scientists aspire) to a global understanding of the universe and therefore of human nature, and this container since the heat may well be an allegory of the human body and running "container for the soul body" with our bellies mysterious oval where the processed food into energy andXC Scorpio / Sagittarius
Separation / Filtration
Capricorn / Aquarius
Fermentation / Multiplication
Pisis / Projection
Second Zone:
The area between the tails of snakes.
esoteric in some quarters it is stated that the INRI inscription placed on the Christian cross does not represent "Jesu Rex Nazarinus Iudorem" but has other interpretations as "Igne Renovatur Integra Natura" (Nature is renewed by fire), "Ignis IntegraMed Renovate Natura (The Nature-entirely renewed fire), "Regenerating Integrat ignem Natura" (nature Reclamation maintains the integrity of fire) or "Igne Nitrum Roris Invenitor" (Forthe fire is extracted salt spray).
The rest of the text is an excerpt from a contemporary poem in Latin to Flumen
viride can be found here
"Rites of the four elements." Basically it is a salute to the fire. The original passage reads:
save ignis spiritus ;
in flamma cerei video you twelve ignis vis mihi intellegere vindicates me in morte et altera ab flammis noli adiuvare hos incendarios - incendium dolosum grave est
delictum cohabitemus Placide, fovea in frigore me, Da mihi lucem in obscuritate
spiritus ignis, et tibi gratias you SALUTO ago.
Third Area:
The upper left quadrant around the center circle
is a pseudo latin which suggest some of the properties of energy. In the first line should be understood, "Quantitatively and qualitatively convertible indestructible." In the second Lina is the famous Einstein formula in a notation simply difficult to read followed by another equation that could be read as total energy = rest energy + kinetic energy. And in the last three lines of possible reactions of a hydrogen fusion bomb.
This area is one of themost destroyed in the tattoo, the interpretation is that should contain the most dangerous, one that arguably could be used as a weapon or as the idea to manufacture a weapon. The physics textbooks say that these fusion reactions hydrogen are those maintained on our sun. weapon, mass destruction, sun, heat, fire, energy, hydrogen and helium. It continues to move in concentric circles.
Zone Four:
The upper right quadrant around the center circle In the history of the study of heat and its relationship to other forms of energy have emerged occasionally false assumptions. The ancient Greeks have textSensei lpa Hawkeye.
selected fragments of the poem should be read
"Love is always armed but this naked
" Amen morning those who have never loved and who loved, love tomorrow "I lost my muse for staying silent and no longer cares Apollo so it was destroyed Amydala silence when they spoke "
" forgiveness "Eighth
neighborhood The area between the heads of the snakes
few latin phrases on the light, another form of energy.
"Light is law," "green light", "After darkness light," "In the light we see light," "In your light we see light." A selection very bright. For more information
on these issues can be found
The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry by MM Pattison Muir Project
Alchemy Electronic Dictionary Latin Poetry
Flumen Viridi
Latin Poetry by Morticer
The Dragon Circle Alchemy
The Emerald Table
Online Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms
World of Mysteries:
Alchemy The Alchemy Web Site